Touched down at KL at 6am, did the usual routine and got picked up by Dad from Sentral and had mamak for breakfast! Roti Telur+Teh Ais ....Mmmmmm.
Shock of the day:
Me: Dad, so how big is Cayman?
Dad: Which Cayman are you talking about? I have 2 Caymans
(Cayman is the name of my dog)
Me: Huh? We have two dogs?
Dad: *strange look* I don't know
Fair enough, I was a bit puzzled by my Dad's conversation and after finishing my breakfast, we headed back home and while Dad was parking the car I was surprised to see a CaymanS Porsche parking next to my Dad's car lot.
Strange enough, I asked my Dad 'So, who is the new rich neighbour?'
No reply from Dad
*look at number plate*
*wtf? its Mum's number plate!*
I was stunned, literally speechless. Guess what? My dad won the car off a charity event. A free Porsche ! Wtf ? I realize Cayman the Dog must be really lucky since my Dad always wanted a Cayman and he named the dog Cayman because he couldn't get the real thing. Faith? Huh.
The Cayman S
Anyway, Lesson of the day: Technology Shopping in Australia > Malaysia
My Sexy Pink iPod
Went shopping today (Midvalley & 1Utama) and found out that retail stores are selling 4gb Nanos for RM920+ and if you were to get it in Australia it will cost around RM700+. Not only that, iPod skins in 5 are sold for RM85 in Australia but in Malaysia it ranges from RM170-190.
iPod FM ModulatorUpset of the day - Bought this iPod FM modulator for the car for RM115 and found out that you could get a device like this for a price of RM45 in Australia. Ouch. The saddest bit: I was so sexcited to get my iPod working in the car and it turns out that the ciggy lighter in the car fused and now I have to head down to EON tomorrow morning to send the blardy Gen-2 for service.
On the lighter side, I bought NEW clothes which is always good. Thanks baby for accompanying me the whole day. Love ya.